Ingrid Stige et Christina Thingvold
The Bærum Girls’ Choir
The objective of the Bærum Girls’ Choir is to promote the dissemination of vocal art and to give choristers a good education in music and singing. We focus on maintaining a high standard, which requires a lot of effort.
Strict requirements are set for members of the choir, as stated in the statutes and regulations. To sing in a choir is to play as a team, you have to do everything possible to obtain results. We also insist on the fact that the choir must be a pleasant place. And we see that many of our singers stay with us for many years precisely because of this good combination with musical challenges in a good social environment.
The choir is currently divided into the following subgroups:
Aspiring Choir – for girls who are in 2nd and 3rd grade. During this period, aspirants acquire simple knowledge, e.g. the use of voice and singing in a group. This training is directed by Ingrid Stige who is artistically responsible
Junior Choir – for girls in grades 4-6. During this period the junior choristers acquire knowledge such as the use of the voice, the reading of scores and the learning of polyphonic singing. The older junior choristers participate in an adjunct group that extends a rehearsal once a month to prepare for admission into the main choir. Conductor Christina Thingvold is artistically responsible for the Junior Choirs.
Main choir – for girls from 7th grade. In the main choir, additional rehearsals allow to deepen the work on the repertoire of the choir. Choral director Ingrid Stige has the main artistic responsibility for the choristers. Choir director Christina Thingvold completes the vocal work and has her own rehearsals with certain parts of the choir or certain vocal groups.
Bærum Girls’ Choir wears the traditional costume of the town of Bærum.
Bærum Girls’ Choir is affiliated with Ung i Kor (UiK) and receives operational support from the Municipality of Bærum.
Bærum Girls’ Choir has 2 permanent conductors:
Ingrid Stige, Choir Director
Ingrid Stige is our Principal Conductor. She has directed the Bærum Girls’ Choir since the fall of 2008 and has primary responsibility for the Main Choir and the Aspirant Choir. She graduated from the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) with a master’s degree in singing and music pedagogy (2008), a master’s degree in performance singing (2013) and further education in ensemble management. Ingrid is also a freelance singer, leads the women’s choir Tonus and a company choir at NAV in Oslo, works as a voice teacher at the Music Theater Academy and as a practice supervisor for voice pedagogy students at NMH.
Christina Thingvold, Choir Director
Christina Thingvold has been conductor of the Bærum Girls’ Choir since the fall of 2010 and has primary responsibility for the Junior Choir in addition to being assistant conductor of the main choir. She graduated from the Norwegian Academy of Music with a master’s degree in singing and music pedagogy (2012). Christina also works as a freelance singer, notably in the Fauna quintet, and as a singing teacher, among others for the Silvers Boys.