La Crau
The ensemble “Les Zinforbelles” was born from the meeting of a mixed quartet, the Zinformels and a female quartet, the Fairies of Chance, created respectively in 2006 and 2016. It has a double root: friendly and musical.
Friendly and musical, the rhymes are rich. In fact, they just keep getting richer…
The Zinforbelles perform on the occasion of choral meetings, through the animation of a place of life or on its initiative, in particular for the promotion of small a capella ensembles. This is how at the end of 2018, they created the “pocket music” festival, the first edition of which unfortunately could not be extended in the following years due to the pandemic.
The management of the ensemble is collegial in the choice of titles and their interpretation and in the conduct of the concert, guided by collective listening.
The repertoire knows no exclusivity and covers foreign and French variety, jazz as well as classical works. Harmony is everywhere with her. You just have to find it: that’s what the Zinforbelles strive to do.