Steve de Veirman
Furiosa Women’s Choir – Belgium
International Choir Competition & Festival in Provence 2025
Furiosa is one of the 5 choirs of Arte Musicale vzw, an organisation directed by Steve De Veirman. The idea of a young women’s choir was born in 2009 when the older girls of the Furiakanti children’s choir wanted to continue to grow and reach new heights. So they separated from the children (under 16) and became the Furiosa Women’s Choir. 10 years on, 30 women make up this close-knit group, both on stage and off.
This ambitious choir focuses on a unique repertoire of equal-voice choral works (SSAA) from the most recent choral literature. Composers such as Dan Forrest, Ola Gjeilo, Eva Ugalde and others hold no secrets for these young girls. Thanks to their unique sound, they are often called upon for concert programmes, weddings and studio recordings.
Furiosa is also taking on other challenges! In 2017, the choir took part for the last time possible in the Provincial Choral Tournament, where the choir achieved a higher ranking and was promoted to ‘excellent’ choir (or ‘uitmuntend’ in Dutch). After taking part in several national choral competitions such as the Flanders Festival in Kontich (2017, Grand Distinction) and the Tenso DAYS in Mechelen (2017, 2nd place, honourable mention from the jury), we thought the time was right to take part in an international competition. With a fine 6th place and plenty of inspiration for the next (inter)national competition entry, Furiosa went home proud.
For the 2017 Christmas concert, Furiosa performed Kim André Arnesen’s breathtaking Magnificat. In 2018, this concert was sold out no less than 4 times. After such a memorable year, we organised a concert entitled ‘Silence’ for our own audience in Ghent and took part for the second time in the Flanders Festival in Kontich, where Furiosa was awarded first prize. In October 2019, the choir also took part in the Flanders International Choir Competition in Genk (IKV).
At the World Choir Games 2021 in Flanders, this ambitious choir competed in the highest division, The Champions Competition, and won 2 gold medals in the Equal Chamber Choir and Contemporary Music categories! At the end of April 2023, Furiosa was the guest of honour at one of the world’s most famous choral competitions, the Cork Choral Festival (Ireland), and was selected to take part in the Fleishman Trophee Cup.
Steve de Veirman, Conductor
The Belgian choral conductor, Steve De Veirman, began his musical education in 1982 at the Muziekacademie Emiel Hullebroeck te Gentbrugge. He then followed higher music studies at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven. He combined instrumental training in piano, cello, Baroque flutes and singing with theoretical and pedagogical skills. To become proficient in the choir direction, he took lessons with Florian Heyerick, Rudy Tas, Johan Van Bouwelen and Erik Van Nevel. He further specialized with conductor and composer Kurt Bikkembergs. His choir and singing experience was also enriched by singing along with projects from various professional choirs and ensembles such as Ex Tempore, Collegium Brugense, Capella di Voce, Goeyvaerts Con sort, Musa Horti and Psallentes.
Steve De Veirman conducted the children’s choir Papageno and the St.-Camilluskoor and spent three years at the musical helm of the Arenberg Kamerorkest in Leuven and the Gentse Schola Cantorum in in Gent. For five years he also directed the Volwassenenkoor Vokamando. In addition, he has also been the chief conductor of the renowned Cantabile-Gent choir since September 2011 and directed them to their last note in April 2017. Today he is still the conductor of the Jeugdorkest Forza Muzica, Kamerkoor Furiant, Jongerenkoor Furiakanti, Dameskoor Furiosa and Jeugdkoor Furiale.